Wellbeing at work: What is a healthy work environment?

PAT Consulting NG
4 min readJul 4, 2020


What is a healthy work environment?

There are several factors responsible for efficiency and effectiveness at work. The work environment is one essential factor. The work environment referred to here goes beyond physical office space. A healthy work environment is one where employees are healthy, happy and productive; where the working experience is optimal for both the individual and for the organization.

The WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific defines a healthy workplace as follows: “A healthy workplace is a place where everyone works together to achieve an agreed vision for the health and well-being of workers and the surrounding community. It provides all members of the workforce with physical, psychological, social and organizational conditions that protect and promote health and safety. It enables managers and workers to increase control over their own health and to improve it, and to become more energetic, positive and contented.

How exactly can you create an environment where employees are productive, happy, encouraged and accepted?

  1. Workplace culture: Every organization has its very own personality and atmosphere. Workplace culture is the interplay between rules, routines, beliefs, desires traditions and attitudes that determine how people interact and how tasks are carried out. Most organizations in Nigeria settle for a mundane routine when they should adopt workplace practices that would have significant impact on the engagement and productivity of employees throughout the day. Productivity is the spine of any business and there is a strong connection between the work atmosphere and output. Workplace culture performs a core function by shaping the mood at work.

2. Good management: In a healthy place of business, the managers and personnel join forces consistently. From strategy to execution, managers have the power to make or wreck an employee’s work life. Research has shown that a bad boss doubles an employee’s risk of a coronary heart attack. Micromanaging kills morale hence, managers do not need to sit by employees the whole day to prove a point. Refined communication, effective management and excellent administration can create a healthier atmosphere for both employees and employers.

3. Healthy physical environment: The impact of the physical environment cannot be overstated. Research indicates that enhancing environmental elements like lightning and air flow improves workers’ performance and boosts productivity. An energizing work environment promotes physical, emotional and social well-being. Using plants to aerate the workspace while using colors that enhance creativity in your career line could make a difference in the creativity and concentration of employees. A clean and safe work environment is necessary for general health and well-being.

4. Opportunities for professional advancement: Employees want to learn, grow and contribute to their companies. This is why it is important for companies to prioritize professional growth by training personnel and aiding personal development. These opportunities increase job satisfaction and result in higher retention.

5. Rewards and Incentives: Organizations that have effective reward systems motivate staff to achieve their personal and organizational goals. Incentives are used to encourage personnel who don’t seem to be yet up to par while rewards are provided to personnel who perform well. The reward is the prize given to an employee as a result of the incentive program. That way the incentive is a purpose and the reward is an effect. Rewards and incentives will encourage competition and healthy competition is definitely good for business.

6. Team-building & leisure activities: Imagine an environment where employees freely co-operate to achieve goals. Everyone focuses on their strengths and builds on their weaknesses together. That would be great, right? Yes! Team work makes the dream work. It is important that your team be connected, even if there are remote workers on the team. In order to be able to establish a truly productive working relationship, you have to get to know one another. Team building and recreational activities would enhance group dynamics, internal communication and productivity. It will also boost morale and help employees have better interpersonal relationships at the workplace.

7. Work-life Balance: This is one of the most important aspects of a healthy work environment. A workplace that enables employees to achieve work-life balance will make employees more motivated to take up tasks at the office, drastically reduce stress and prevent burnout on the job. Maintaining work life balance makes it easier for them to perform their tasks as efficiently as a well-oiled engine.

8. Having a breakroom: Having a break room is kin to comfort. Creating a space where employees can put up their feet, relax, and veg out for a few minutes is essential for mental clarity.

At the end of the day, both employees and employers want to achieve as much as possible and go home feeling fulfilled. Employees should be able to work in humane, rewarding work situations. The quality of the workplace is an important consideration that can give rise to substantial direct and indirect costs such as absenteeism, turnover, workers’ compensation, medical claims and so much more. Creating a healthy work environment for your employees shows that you not only care about the progress of the company, but you also care about their well-being.



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