The two components of high performing organizations

PAT Consulting NG
3 min readJan 20, 2022


The great thing about maps is that they prevent you from wandering aimlessly from place to place, trying to figure out where you want to go. In fact, if you do not have clarity on your destination, then every place you get to seem just as important. But, if you have a clear picture of where you are headed, and you know where you need to pass through to get there, then your choices become easier and you gain more confidence in your ability to reach your destination.

Take this blogpost as a conceptual map for high performance in any organization. Prioritizing your goals and future vision as an organization makes it easier to pass through the important areas and realize your goals quickly and efficiently. Individual performance and team performance are the two key components of high performance in any organization. The map looks like this:

Individual performance (especially leaders)

Hiring: find and recruit the best players for your team. Strive to add a team of “A” or “B” players over “C” players every time, unless there is a compelling reason to hire “C” “worker bees”.

Retaining: once you find this team of “A” or “B” players, ensure to keep them on your team. This could be by fair compensation, recognition and awards, empowerment, and challenge. For instance, you could give your team the freedom to be creative and to set their own priorities and schedules as much as possible.

Training and development: learning is a lifelong task. For a team to stay strong, continuous learning and development is important. Your team, especially a team of “A” players, will actually appreciate this lifelong learning much more than stagnation. You could, for example, plan a budget for training, coaching and mentoring for every member of the team. This will take their performance to the next level.

Team performance

Strategy: every high performing organization needs a clear strategy and focus to avoid the “all things to all people” trap, which is a certain formula for failure. A clear strategy could involve defining who your customers are, what you will provide for them, and how you will go about providing it.

Tactics/operations: every successful strategy will require effective planning and implementation. For instance, having a weekly staff meeting can help your team evaluate and change tactics if needed.

Continuous innovation: a high performing organization needs to keep pace with the constantly changing world. By creating an organizational culture that can better anticipate and capitalize on changes, your organization will not be left behind.

In summary,

  • Have a clear “conceptual map” that you adhere to in order to achieve a high performing company
  • Your priorities should be clear and communicated well in your organization
  • Set the bar high. Do not strive for perfection when excellence will do just fine. This will ensure high performance in your organization.

PAT Consulting can help your organization achieve high performance in every area. Our services include pre-employment assessments that is tailored to the specific needs of your organization. We also provide robust solutions in the area of mental health and wellbeing. Contact us today at for more information.



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