The Steps to Exceptional Self-Confidence

PAT Consulting NG
3 min readMar 10, 2022


Some of us are perfectionists, and this could affect our self-confidence. But, do you know you can double your self-confidence in a short space of time?

The trick?

Lowering your perfectionist standards so you could meet your own expectations and feel like a “winner”.

Self-confidence requires acquiring the skills needed to get what you need in life, and the most important skill you can ever acquire is knowing how to make yourself happy. The rest comes easy after that.

Here are 7 ways to make yourself happy and increase your self-confidence:

1. Be your own best friend

When you use your inner dialogue to talk to yourself all day, what do you tell yourself? Are you saying you are a “failure”? Or are you telling yourself you are a “champion”?

2. Set realistic goals

Constantly setting unrealistic goals (such as ending world hunger or saying you should be able to ‘make’ another person happy) will make you constantly feel like a failure. Stop doing that to yourself (and your organization)! Especially, focus on what you can control.

3. Focus on the positive

Every few seconds, something terrible happens in the world. Someone is either getting murdered or a child is starving to death somewhere in the world. If you focus on that all day you will certainly feel unhappy and powerless. You do not have to be an excessively or blindly optimistic person, but you are entitled to living a happy life while doing what you can to make things better.

4. Practice self-care

Take care of your body and your mind. You have just one mind and one body, and it is the foundation upon which you build your experience. You will not feel self-confident if your body and mind is not strong and healthy enough to acquire what you need from the world.

5. Engage in personal and professional development

Once you have acquired the fundamental skill of knowing how to make yourself happy, then begin to acquire other skills. The more you develop yourself personally and professionally, the more situations in which you will feel confident.

6. Surround yourself with nurturing people

Do the people you surround yourself with in your personal and professional lives regularly tell you that you are a “failure” or that you are a “champion”? You do not have to surround yourself with sycophants, but you should not be around ‘energy vampires’ that suck away your self-esteem.

7. Ask for what you really want

Ask in clear, unambiguous terms or you would not get what you need. Leaving it to other people to guess what you want will only make you feel powerless and frustrated because they inevitably won’t guess the right answers.

In summary, decide that you deserve exceptional self-confidence and do not let the fears of inevitable naysayers dissuade you. You must learn to make yourself happy; this is fundamental to confidence-building. As well, keep acquiring new skills and you will continue to feel ever-more-confident in ever more situations.

Remember that PAT Consulting offers robust solutions in the area of mental health and wellbeing. Contact us at or 0907 870 6967 for advice.



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