Protect yourself from Workplace Bullying
From our previous two articles, you know how to look for signs of workplace bullying, and have also read on the detrimental effects of workplace bullying on employees and organizations.
So what steps can you take if you are dealing with a workplace bully?
It is common to feel powerless and unable to do anything to stop bullying if you are experiencing it at work. But take a moment to remind yourself that bullying is never your fault, regardless of what triggered it. Even if someone bullies you by making it seem like you can not do your job, bullying is more about power and control, not your work ability.
Begin to take action against bullying with these steps:
Gather information
For each incident, document records of:
- date, time, where it occurred
- what happened (who was present, what was said, who said what)
- if there were any witnesses
- how you feel
Work out what to do
You can take one of these steps:
- seek advice & support:
You could seek advice from others, such as managers, coworkers, health & safety representatives, unions, and employee assistance programme (if available). You could also talk to a trusted person, such as a friend. If you like, you could have a support person present if you are called for an interview or meeting regarding the incident. Ensure the same support person does not support the people on both sides of a complaint to avoid conflicts of interest.
- Deal with it yourself
This means approaching the other party to talk about your concerns. But only if you feel okay doing so.
- Seek legal guidance
Consider talking to a lawyer, depending on the circumstances of the bullying. Legal action may not always be possible, but a lawyer can offer specific advice.
- Report the behaviour to your organization
Your business should have processes for reporting bullying or other unreasonable behaviour. The organization should consider the information provided and then decide what to do. They could decide to investigate or take another approach.
When you submit a report or complaint, the organization should:
- Take reasonable steps to protect you from reprisals
- Ensure both you and the subject of the complaint are supported
- Decide what interim measures will be taken to ensure your safety and welfare during any investigation. These interim measures could be: suspending the subject of the complaint pending the outcome of an investigation, or reassigning the subject of the complaint to other duties until an investigation is complete
- Give guidance to you about how to respond to the subject of the complaint if you remain in day-to-day contact
If you witness bullying:
Speak up. If you say nothing out of fear you will also become a target of bullying, you are also contributing to a toxic work environment. Workplace policies against bullying can help people feel safer about speaking up when they see bullying happen.
You can help by:
- Offering support: acting as a witness if the person targeted wants to ask the bully to stop. You can also help by going to HR with your coworker
- Listening: you could provide a listening ear if your coworker does not feel safe going to HR but feels better talking to someone about the situation
- Reporting the incident: your account of what happened could help your management team realize there is a problem
- Staying close to your coworker: having you as a supportive coworker nearby could help reduce instances of bullying
Organizations, businesses and employers:
- Create a zero-tolerance anti-bullying policy. This policy should be part of a wider commitment to a safe and healthful working environment and should involve the appropriate Human Resource Representatives
- Address bullying behaviour immediately when it is reported
- Hold awareness campaigns for everyone on what bullying is. Encourage reporting
- Ensure management has an active part in the staff they supervise, rather than being removed from them
- Encourage open door policies
- Investigate the extent and nature of the problem. Conduct attitude surveys
- Improve management’s ability and sensitivity towards dealing with and responding to conflicts
- Establish an independent contact for employees
- Have a demonstrated commitment “from the top” about what is and is not acceptable behaviour
- Structure work environment to incorporate a sense of autonomy
- Include employees in decision making processes
- If bullying is entrenched in the organization, complaints needs to be taken seriously and investigated promptly.
If an investigation occurs
- Investigation should be carried out by independent and unbiased investigators
- Investigator should interview all parties involved and any witnesses, and review any relevant documentation to determine facts. They will provide a written report on their findings and recommend solutions to the organization
- The organization should meet with you and the subject of the complaint separately to discuss the recommended solution
- You should receive a copy of the report and told about your right to appeal and the process to do this
- The final decision and actions should be reported back to you (taking into account the privacy of the subject of the complaint). You should be told what your organization’s processes are if you are unhappy with the final decision
Bullying is a serous issue in many workplaces. While many companies have a zero-tolerance policy, bullying can sometimes be hard to recognize or prove, making it difficult for managers to take action. Other companies may not have any policies about bullying. Taking steps to prevent workplace bullying can benefit employees and organizations.
If you have been bullied, you can take steps to combat the bullying behaviour, even without confronting the perpetrator. Remember to take care of your health first. P.A.T. Consulting can provide you with professional help and advice. We provide counselling services to individuals, organizations and institutions in the area of mental health and wellbeing. We are happy to help you. Send us an email at